Monday, February 27, 2012

My To Do List!

Everyone has them, but how well do people actually keep them?  Day-in and day-out, people have chores, tasks, and just things that have to get done.  Thus, the "to do" list comes into play and at the point in time, is the savior of your life.  But then.... You're tired, you hurt your leg, you didn't have your coffee, the peanut butter was on the left side of the bread instead of the right.... Something throws you off track giving you some excuse!

Some days just feel like a broken record.  A great to do list, feeling good about getting it done.  By the end of the day, one item scratched and 10 more items added, "Wait, what? How? (Most of my days and my actual working "to do" list at the office to the left!).  So the question is, how can you get past those broken record days?!

There are lots of escapes to gain the productivity needed.  Whether it be a simple song blasting in the headphones, to just doing something that takes you away from your to-do list for the moment so you can collect your thoughts and think of something else.  The long to-do lists should never scare anyway away.  Those that get scared away or burnt out are those that think too much into the list and not in their talents to solve the problems on their lists. 

So with that being said, my upcoming to-to list consists of the follow items, of which I have no fear of the workload ahead!

To Do List:
1) Get Fit and run 80 miles a week
2) Get into business school
3) Learn and taking Accounting to the next level
4) Have a 25% return on my stock portfolio within the next year
5) Get promoted at my current job come July annual review
6) Read more books
7) Blog more
8) Tumblr more
9) Learn something new everyday
10) Pay off loans
11) Play more basketball 

What's your to-do list look like?  How are you going to tackle it and get to where you want to be!?

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