Take a look at my Brooks T 7 racers, brand new with a second place finish on them (and hopefully more strong finishes to come!). Although they are flashy, good looking, sleek, or whatever adjective you want to use to describe them, they have a story behind them.
Out of all of the running shoes I have wore through my high mileage days, long and competitive seasons, my Brooks T7s are on a journey with me to spark a new fire with my passion for running (I would also like to point out my Adidas Supernovas are also on the same journey) along with the new interests I have discovered.
These are the new shoes I am taking into that left turn on the track with my new love/hate relationship I have with my accounting classes, to spark that competitive fire to take names on the track, to make a change and difference in the world, and to work on that sweet 100 yard approach shot onto the 9th hole green. So what type of shoes are you wearing now a days? Everyone needs a new pair heading into that left turn on the track. It's just a fact of life that one way or another, you will get knocked on your a**. There are always going to be people, events, and just strange and bizarre things out there that just won't make sense, be completely unfair, and boil your blood (may all at once!). It's just a matter of how you respond. People give up too easily, lose tempers, and just get down and caught up in the moments. People see flashy, clean shoes in the picture above, I see a hell-fire-and brimstone kick the last 200 meters, especially after all that this life has already thrown at me. In degrading moments, when someone is pulling away on the track, when I am being treated unfairly in the real world, or just frustrated at all around me, I see hard work in my flashy kicks that's going to run down that scrub on the back stretch, perseverance in the face of doubt, and an object that will make a difference in the real world from all the unruliness around me.
From losing a part of me and my family to being told that my running days are physically over, once these slippers are on (physically and figuratively) it's all business and a nonstop train to where I want to be. No one ever said making it was easy, if they did it's a bold face lie. Patience, hard work, living, laughing, and loving are always going to pay off even in your darkest and most doubtful moments. I have already seen it and my shoes hardly have any miles on them!
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